Oracle Card Art Print & Audio Bundle


Oracle Card Bundle: Print Deck (PDF) & 1 hour Audio Meditation File
I have created this magnificent bundle joining my Oracle Card prints and a special audio file.


Oracle Card Bundle: Print Deck & 1 hour Audio Meditation File
This is an energetic bundle that includes an audio file and PDF file which you "activate" fully within while engaging with both at the same time--viewing the visual images and listening too the audio mediation file (more information in the instructions after download). You are emailed PDF Cards & Meditation Audio File Together.

What Our Receive
(Note: after purchase you will be provided with links to download the 3 files)

This Bundle incudes:

  • Download and activation instruction (PDF file)
  • 13 art prints (8.5 x 11" PDF file)--you can view on your computer or download and print out
  • Audio File (mp3 audio file)--includes:
    • Introduction about the cards & Light Language
    • I speak through each of the 13 cards the same way (stating the title of each so you can follow with the physical cards), and repeat this process with each card
    • Final Message from me in Light Language

How You Fully Activate It
You activate this fully by looking at the artwork and listening simultaneously listen to the audio file. I recommend to to view the cards while simultaneously listening to the audio file as it stimulated your multidimensional abilities (but they can also be experienced separately in any way that you wish to utilize these energy tools).  You can use & work with them as a tool for further enhance you energy as often as you wish.

 Activation Process

  • Connect with the imagery: look at the card while listening to the information on the audio file about that card (meditate on any thoughts or feelings it may evoke in you)–I offer details about each artwork, and a short message about each card from the specific Guide .
  • Receive the energy transmission: view the cards in the order of the PDF file, while listening to the audio file (close your eyes and let yourself be taken on a multidimensional journey)–I read each card message, then transmit a unique Light Language expression related to that card.

Activated With Light Language Energy & Messages
These high-vibrational cards come in digital form that YOU CAN OWN & includes a one-hour audio meditation from me with Light Language and energetic readings of the cards. It is soothing & meditative with beautiful background music to get you fully in tune.

Benefits Clients Have Received:

  • Seeing & experiencing the world in a new and different way, with new insights
  • Deeper connection with your Higher Self
  • Positive breakthrough of old beliefs and behavior patterns
  • Activation of light language communication abilities
  • Many people recognized or remembered hearing/speaking/manifesting a kind of Light Language in some form in their past. All recipients mentioned a new energized feeling in their mind and body overall, finding creative new ways of expressing and being themselves in the world with their own unique voice.

Testimonials About The Bundle

“The artwork and audio together are incredibly powerful! They have helped encourage me to deepen my own connection with Creator/Source and continue to awaken the codes within me. They help me want to dig deeper and alchemize my Soul by shedding the layers that need healing and moving closer and closer to the truth within. Thank you, Shakara! You are such a blessing!”

“Tonight will be my third night with the cards. They speak very deeply to me and I am absorbing the frequencies slowly. Last night I fell asleep about half way through…when I awoke an hour later it was to your last song. So so beautiful, the inside of my lids were white-lighted with the faint live scrolling of light Language glyphs. It’s been some time since I’ve seen them in my dreams and have really missed them. There is such a deep longing to return to that awareness. So wonderful!”

“There was a subtle bliss wave that accompanied the light Language—so much feeling as my heart was wide open to receive every nuance of inner information in the words and transmissions. Felt it in my whole body and energy field. I felt like a newborn at lullaby and story time. Stories welcoming me into my new world to assimilate, guide and help me to remember and to not forget my true origins. And, of course, with your beautiful and motherly Star emanation singing.”

“So appreciate the process of explaining each work of art. They are all so beautiful, mystifying and impactful. My curiosity has been so piqued! Thank you so much as I am receiving so much on so many levels.”

“This is an amazing gift. Thank you so much—I am delighted that you offered these stunning creations…might be exactly what I was looking for to enhance my journey and development.”

“It was beautiful from beginning to end. Right after the first few cards some sort of doubting voice tried to stop me from listening but I surrendered and pushed through and ended up in a gentle state of lightness ease and clarity.”

“So far I was only able to listen to the audio—but what I have already noticed in my life is more confidence in moving into my own truth and am feeling even more inspired to create a platform for myself to share with the world. I feel so blessed to put myself out there because of the courage that you have helped show me by coming out in the world yourself. It is not an easy thing. But as this year closes and we begin not only a new year but new decade, it feels good and appropriate to be more fully “out there” in order to help show others it’s not only okay to share our gifts, but necessary for our souls.”

More Information

About the activated Light Language Artwork
Shakara is a metaphysical artist working on many realms and dimensions, bring in the Codes of Light & Creation into our current 3D world. During the artwork creation, Shakara transmitted live Light Language verbally & co-created encoded message vibrations that were energetically embedded into the artwork with her Higher Self & various Star Guides. Additionally, some of the artwork includes galactic script writing related to the image or codes brought through in the artwork.

Benefits To You
Interacting with these cards and spoken Light Language helps you "remember who you are" and your true Soul nature. How you feel & what you interpret in this Oracle Card Bundle is the gift to you—the meaning and understanding of the Light Language & activated art may be known or unknown to you, it may be a subtle feeling, or it may be a full energetic packet download that will take some dreamtime and daily life to reveal itself to you. This is ok, it is part of the process of REMEMBERING.We all must remember that we have the knowing inside ourselves about exactly who we are and our infinitely powerful capabilities and possibilities of what we can manifest in the world.

About The "Distilled" messages on the cards
The distilled Messages on each card are excerpted mini-messages from many detailed downloads I received from my Guides & Higher Self on diverse themes. My Guides share information, understandings, teachings, tools, symbols and activations that I have intuited & further mixed multidimensionally with the artwork and wording embedded in these cards.

These Messages include information about our shifting “Ascension” times, Creation & Manifestation, how to navigate our body systems and awaken higher sense perceptions, how to activate your codes of Light fully within you to awaken your life purpose, and hundreds of other topics. These tools help empower you to remember your true gifts and all that you are…to realize your full potential, enliven then share your gifts with others. The full Messages are currently being manifested in books, videos and webinars.

About the StarBeing Guides I work with who delivered these Messages
I connect with numerous Guides from many realms—some are aspects of my Higher Self, some I co-creates with as needed, related to the person I'm connecting with during Light Language Sessions or the audience I'm speaking with. These Guides have been communicating with me all my life since childhood in many ways. I speak many multidimensional Light Languages in various galactic and elemental expressions, and as pure energy transmissions. I work with many Guides, including: “The Arcs” Arcturian group & other Star Nations, Sasquatch Beings, Elementals, Jmmanuella (sister of Jmmanuel, known as Jesus), Divine Feminine aspect of Creator Spirit, Hathors, Joan of Arc Aspect, Stone and Tree Nations, The Shakinah, The Shakara, Leoueshtunila from 66D, and others. These beings of Light manifest to her in thought forms, holographic messages, etheric vibrational energies and in physical form.

I speak, tone and sing Light Codes, & writes hundreds of various Galactic Codes, Symbols and Scripts. This Light Language is an energetic vibration from higher realms brought down into consciousness through me & infused into various creations & media. The function of my Light Transmissions is to help humanity raise their vibration, realize their true purpose & create new ways of living, manifesting & being…in our quickly evolving world that is shifting into higher vibrational consciousness. When this audio sound Message is experienced together with the viewing of the energetic artwork, it activates your multidimensional senses to expand and make new connections, opening your creative DNA codes into mystic realms of understanding and remembering your own connection to Creator Source, your Divine Blueprint and your individual gifts and life purpose.