Poem to the Wise Elders: Grandmothers + Grandfathers + Youth

Merging Masculine & feminine, head & heart, ancient wisdom & modern energetics.

Essence of the water, smooth and flowing free
take me to a higher plane that’s where I want to be
Formation of Fire, materialize above
build your strength in inner power, fill it with your love.

To the Grandmothers,

We have joined you in prayer and ceremony—I know the water is the eternal language, the essence of the light codes in our system, that carries the Star Messages.

During Ceremony I see all the ancient ones in ceremony above our heads, in a circle talking through the bark of the trees and whispering sweet sounds through the breeze. The fire circle opens a portal above our heads to the heavens and beyond the beyond, so those in other realms join with you. You merge the east and west coast when merging with the elementals and water and Mother Earth.

The ancients are happy.

You are all following the call of Spirit in your hearts, and humble you all are, so generous in heart. When we are around you, we long to just sit near you and feel your love.

We see you in the hills, and in the city too. When you are in any city doing ceremony, the ground and concrete and tunnels and hard streets take note, and became gentle for your walk, and the roads part on your way.

You show the way by your be-ing. Hue-man be-ing.

Grandmother says we are re-member-ing.
Thank you for your smiles, your wisdom, your way.

To the Grandfathers,
In the south, north, east, west, middle-way,
we.are.coming.back. we have made a promise. to you, to them, to all Ones.
We will try again.

When the tribe child forgets how wonderful his voice is, her dance is, longing to be with the ultra-tech modern world, we can remind them that it is really the illusion, the masked world ideal of a false image.

The real truth and joy and fun and center is what was suppressed for so long by those who didn’t want to let Spirit fly in youth hearts.

It is
Be   Who   You   Are   :: :: ::

Grandfathers, thank you for holding the torch, for bearing the weight, the wait, the wisdom. Thank you now for trusting us, now that we are growing and shifting and awakening enough, even baby steps.

To be able to learn how to hold and carry the torch. We know the symbols and laws of Love when we see them, though our heads may be foggy. We know you all by the very glow in your eyes, that star nation twinkle glimmer. We recognize you in your gestures, the symbols somewhere deep in our memory we can understand.

The children are asking for you. For the stories. For the Truth. For the beauty to be returned. Mother earth is awakening out of her caterpillar cocoon, shifting the magnetic pull and stretching her wings. Father sky is bursting with flames of galactic center energy, awakening our DNA light codes.

To the Youth, babies, young adults & young at heart— this is your world, manifest it as you wish.  Break the old paradigms, the old roles and rules and create the most magnificent vision you see in your mind’s eye.  You have the abilities inside of you, trust your instincts, trust your heart.  Live from your heart and Love will manifest in everything you do.
We love you all.

Golden light bodies, barely contained in our package. Not knowing our true creative powers. Awakening together. Creation becoming creator. All returning. All coming together now. A New Earth. Dreaming a new dream.

Spider woman weaves her tale tapestry. White Buffalo Calf Woman roaming the plains once again. Lightening beings and Earth elementals and all Nations sing and dance together — Stone Nations, Animal Nations, Tree Nations, Elementals, Water Nation, Hue-man Rainbow Nations. The Rainbow bridges, antakarana warriors and guardians are return in the NOW as well as the Ancient Ones, to shift Mother Earth into new dimensional vibrations.

Star Nation beings are returning. H-u-g-e beings, light channels, wings, orbs, floating, surrounding you, our elder guides. Thank you for calling them. Keeping the hope and dream alive. Holding the laughter in your heart even during the long rain. Teaching the middle way is the powerful way, walking the grounded center, through the heart of the 11:11. The cities of light, the glowing new earth, new you, new us, happy we are birthing into Light.

For all 7 generations of the future and realigning the 7 Generations of the past and present, we move forward together.

Peace. Patience. You. Us. We. All.

ONE dance