Message: Divine Feminine Emerging

This is a meditative video I created about the Creatress Returning and the Divine Feminine emerging in our world now.

“The Creatress Returns: Divine Feminine Emerging”

© Shakara Tosha. All rights reserved.


The Galactic Creatress is arriving…
divine feminine
essence emerging

She who has ALWAYS been and will always BE.

Ancient MOTHER of the cosmos.

She is ready to reveal from WITHIN us all.

She has many NAMES
returning to one unified SOURCE.

She enters our realm FULLY now
to MERGE with all of humanity
helping us REMEMBER the internal FLAME OF LOVE.

She MOVES in hidden dimensions
making her presence known to those who SEE.

She radiates the Light of LIFE.

Listening to all the elements of NATURE
she trusts her INNER instincts.

She KNOWS what to do at every moment.

Her INNER power is consistently stable
as she gifts us with tempering BALANCE.


With inner AWARENESS
she SEEKS OUT answers
within the cosmic sea of POSSIBILITIES.

With gentle STRENGTH and GRACE
she shares her PRESENCE.

She holds the sacred KEY
that OPENS all doors.

In tune with the ALL
she attends to her divine PLAY.

With fully opened HEART
she calls herself into BEING
with her ESSENCE, vibration and tone.

She KNOWS her own song
and SINGS her song clearly
so that she may be RECOGNIZED.

Nurturing and LOVING, she shares her Light.

She connects all BEINGS through her song.

Birthing new REALITIES
she VIBRATES onward.

Her LIGHT exists within us all.

She CALLS to us from within
to SING our unique SONG of CREATION.

We are SHE…and she is WE.

REMEMBER…and BE all you truly ARE.