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Energy Update: 12-12 Gateway
Energy Update We are still within the 12-12 (Dec 12) portal influences now through the upcoming Solstice on Dec 21. Here’s a recent Message and empowering tools to support you during these shifting times: Working Within the 12-12 Portal Gateway Cosmic, universal and...

Interview: Bigfoot Society 2024
Join us for an extraordinary episode featuring Shakara Tosha as she shares her lifelong encounters with Sasquatch across the United States, from the dense forests of Washington to the deserts of Tucson, Arizona. With vivid recounts of telepathic communications, light...

INTERVIEW: Pork N Pappy Show 2024
Had an amazing and very deep-dive marathon interview with my friends on the Prok n Pappy Show about all things Sasquatch, and other quantum topics... I shared my direct experiences with the Sasquatch People and Tribes I've interacted directly with, and lots of other...

Interview: Pork N Beans–Sasquatch Guides & Info (2022)
We were discussing Sasquatch and our connections with them. I shared a bit about all my work, Light Language, the Messages and all the Guides I work with, including some of my interactions and experiences with them, including their Messages to humanity. Click on image...

Light Language Activation – The Codes of Creation

ENERGY UPDATE: Shifting Frequencies July 2024
This big message came in I wanted to share with you about our quickly shifting times and how it can make us feel...and how to manage it.Hi, this is Shakara, and I wanted to share a little bit about what's going on during these times. So a lot of people are feeling a...

PRESENTATION: Where Spirituality Meets UFOlogy
Where Spirituality Meets UFOlogyPanel presentation on the Conscious Awakening Network The Galactic Gathering–where spirituality and UFOlogy intersect in a fascinating encounter. Step into the extraordinary at Galactic Gathering: Where Spirituality Meets UFOlogy, a...

INTERVIEW: Extraterrestials & Our Awakening Journey
Star People (ETs), Multidimensional Communications,Telepathy & Light LanguageExtraterrestials & Our Awakening JourneyInterview with Beverly Isla Here's a fun interview about my experience with Star People & Light Language.

ENERGY UPDATE: New Energies Coming In Our World Now
New Energy Waves Trust Your Internal Guidance & Ride The Wave New cosmic energies are coming into our world now and creating a positive shift. I sense them in a big way, and I bet you are feeling them also in all aspects of your life. These heightened frequencies...

INTERVIEW: Light Language: The Language of the Universe
Conscious Awakening Network Interview about Light Language: Dive into the enigmatic world of Light Language, believed to be the universal language of the cosmos! Join us as we unravel the mysteries of this ancient and powerful form of communication, said to transcend...

INTERVIEW: Conscious Awakening Network
Ascension Now-Becoming The New You: my interview & presentation of my Messages work, Light language and a meditation.

ENERGY UPDATE: Solar Eclipse Reflections (#1 of 2)
Inspiring Reflection About the Solar Eclipse & The Sun -- From A Galactic Perspective- Transmission from The Sun, Arcturian Elders, Horus & My Higher Self Reconnecting the Sacred Hoop of Energy Through The Ring Of FirePART 1: Solar Eclipses Are Key Times of...

INTERVIEW: The Miracle is You
Had a dynamic conversation with Ashley Lee on her channel "The Miracle Is You" on the Soulogy Network. We talked a lot about Light Language,I shared Light Language and Messages, and more of my experiences receiving Messages from the Star Beings I work with.

Custom Soul Portraits
This is an example of the Custom Soul Portraits I create for People-including activating Light Language.

INTERVIEW: A Hundred Voices
Shakara Tosha on Star Nations and Quantum Awareness Here's a fun interview sharing my life story and my lifelong experiences with Star Beings, quantum awareness, and the journey I continue of trust, acceptance, and sharing. I also speak Light Language and Messages.

Sacred Sasquatch Symposium 2022
I discuss Master numbers of the day—2222 and honoring our elders, sing the Sasquatch calling-in song, share some of my personal experiences with Sas (all the Sas Guides). I discuss how they connect with me, what they show me-who they are (StarBeings)and their role...

INTERVIEW: Soulspeaks 5D with Todd Medina (Soulogy)
Fun interview as always with Todd Medina... We spoke about big changes occuring in the world and I brought through many messages and understandings about what's occuring, why, and what we can do to find balance in our daily lives through these experiences. Sharing my...

SoulSpeaks 5D with Todd Medina 2
Here's another fun interview with Todd Medina from Soulogy, when I was in Sedona AZ. Sharing lots of information, updates on the energies happening in the world, and of course a Light Language Message and activation.

SoulSpeaks 5D with Todd Medina 1
Interview with Todd Medina of Soulogy: It's always fun to connect with my Soul Brother Todd Medina -- we always touch on many topics about this Ascension and I share Light Language Messages. In this inteview I speak about lots of different changes going on, energetic...

Positive Head Radio
Great interview with Positive Head Radio...

Awakened Goddess Show
Activating Codes of Light Language: During this invigorating and fun interview, we spoke about The Divine Feminine integrating within and through our Higher Selves, and I shared activating codes of Light Language.

Women’s Light Language Roundtable with Tolec
Enjoy this roundtable discussion with other fellow women Light Language communicators -- sharing our experiences of Light Language and our various Guides and Messages.

Heart Talks with Sheila Jean Burgher
Loved the conversation with Sheila... enjoy!

Solar Eclipse Message at Serpent Mound 2017
Sharing Star Messages and information about the Serpent Mound at the 2017 Solar Eclipse gatherin at Serpent Mound, Ohio.

Becoming a Galactic Citizen Part 2
Becoming a Galactic Citizen Part 1 — Aug 2017 Don Daniels Show, Galactic U — Blog Talk Radio

Becoming a Galactic Citizen Part 1
Becoming a Galactic Citizen Part 1 -- Aug 2017 Don Daniels Show, Galactic U -- Blog Talk Radio

Carbon Shifting to Crystal & Matter to Energy
Due to energetic changes in the world now, our carbon-based elements are beginning to morph into more crystal-like structures (Christ vibration consciousness), which are able to perceive, hold, carry and radiate much higher energy information communication. There is a...

Personal Ceremonies of Manifestation to Attune to Self & Spirit
Ceremonies + rituals can be done at any time of the day — it is the intention and focus you apply to them that make them Sacred to you and those joining the activities. There are more elaborate ceremonies + rituals for various needs and intended outcomes, but even...

Let Go & Write Your Own Blueprint Manual
You are here on the planet in this NOW moment to live out all your dreams + desires. All the experiences in this life’s journey (and your past lives—as we have been many people + places) inform you how to raise your own personal vibration, to shape your life to your...

Learn to Speak with the Elementals Around You
The elements (earth, fire, water, sky) around + inside you each carry unique codes of information that can help you chart what to do with your life + your next step. Each of these elemental groups are separate “Nations” that have their own properties, messages,...

Spiritual & Psychic Sasquatch Conference 2017
Sharing Messages & Transmissions for humanity from The Sasquatch, my connection with them, why they are here, and a bit about my own Light Language, Star Guides and downloads.

During These Intense Times Choose To Live in Joy
Message from the ARCs: During these intense times -- choose to live in Love + Light + Joy. Remember a knowing inside of you that is incredibly powerful -- all your thoughts + feelings do manifest the world around you. Look for the helpers, look for the signs of...

Play: It’s all for Your Growth
Play... have fun + celebrate little moments in your day (especially the most difficult ones). Know that everything that happens to you is exactly what you need in that moment for your growth... and welcome it with open arms. When you strip away all the can...

Galactic Connection
One of the early interviews with Galactic Connection.


A caravan cross country a tribe, a nomadic movement of mixed diversity. Hearing steel drums calling, calling, calling... The king leads his warriors in lengthy procession. And the music rises and Falls in the wind. The feast. Lounging, sun bursting down, warming...

Burning the Midnight Oil (for Melvin Van Peebles)
The chattering of the crowd in my mind, reflections of a nighttime moment, a conversation, cleaver word play, as I was crying for a plan, I cram to understand. Hold that breath, that thought, abandon all preconceptions and sink into this here groove. The blue of her...

Poem to the Wise Elders: Grandmothers + Grandfathers + Youth
Merging Masculine & feminine, head & heart, ancient wisdom & modern energetics. Essence of the water, smooth and flowing free take me to a higher plane that’s where I want to be Formation of Fire, materialize above build your strength in inner power, fill...

Poem for the Kogi Mamos
An essence, a glow inside my hearts it calls to you from over here, which you initiated. In your travels I see your village, I see your children running with joy in bare feet talking through soil. I see the birth of young Mamos, opening their eyes for the first time...

“How Is Your Ascension Going?” with Dr. Sue Lie of Multidimensions
An early interview and chat with Dr. Lie of

Star Knowledge Conference, Loveland CO 2014
The first presentation and transmission I did... at the 2014 Star Knowledge Conference in Loveland, CO.
Book a Private Session

One-On-One Guidance Sessions
With Light Language
Book an inspirational private Light Language Guidance and Activation Session directly with Shakara, to assist you on your continued Ascension life journey.
Read more about the Sessions -- how they work, what you recieve and the wonderful benefits... and Book a session now!