MESSAGE: 555 Master Number Gateway

MESSAGE: 555 Master Number Gateway

555 message: for 5/5/23 (5/5/5=555)

Except From My Upcoming book:
“Remember Who You Are…And Awaken Your Creative Abilities”
– Transmission from my Higher Self & The StarBeing Guides

Master Numbers are Awakening Codes
Any number code with 2 or 3 similar sequential numbers are master codes.
These are all awakening codes of consciousness–when you see them it’s a trigger to awaken and Remember who you truly are. It awakens a deep inner awareness and Knowing that everything in the universe is connected. These assist you to remap and reconstruct your connections to life and creative energy itself–for healing, activation and integration of all that IS. Master codes we see remind us of the presence of Star People, Elementals, Ascended Masters, Angels, Ancestors and our unique Guides interacting with us in our realm, and helps us fortify our deep connection to them all.

When you experience seeing 11:11, 12:12, 13;13, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555 etc., the signs begin increasing where it becomes more than just numbers to you–you begin to experience deja-vu, you become more aware in conscious lucid dream-states, and other certain archetypal symbols appear in your life, often repeating their appearance through your day. Key code master numbers are symbols that help awaken us and our subconscious…opening access to our long-term memory and higher senses that are coming “online” in our bodies now.

The rapid increase of Synchronicity in Your Life
Become aware of synchronicities in your life, especially today each time your see “5/5” or “5/5/5”. Nothing happens randomly–everything has a consciousness. Use this as a tool to get back in touch with the laws of Creation of cause and affect… what you put out in the universe comes back to you. Begin to consciously manifest, live and Be the highest vibration of yourself, and you will see this reflected back to you in your environment immediately.

You will begin to tune in with synchronistic energy more deeply now and going forward. Once you see and are “activated” by master numbers, they in turn activate many other things within you, such as heightening your awareness to subtle energy and seeing patterns in everything. It begins to feel like a dreamlike state as certain numbers begin appearing in your field of consciousness in many ways, in many places. What seems random begins to have structure and a purpose. This is the awakening through number codes (which also happens with key words, frequencies, colors, sounds etc). 

Tune In and “Read” the Messages
When you see these repetitive numbers, especially today on the 5/5, tune in and energetically “read” any Messages that appear to you or come to you in your mind, heart and visioning. Interpret what you are shown by the universe, and heed its call. Have fun with the source of synchronicity appearing in your energy field.

Everything is relative–when you see these master codes they are directly related to where you are in that unique moment, location, timecode, environment and thought form you are engaging in. Therefore, your interpretation in that moment at that moment is what you Know as your Truth.

You are creating your future at every moment. When you are aware of this and how this functions, you become more awakened to your own inherent abilities to manifest what you desire as an outcome. 

Utilize the Codes to tune into the Now
Utilize these time codes to heighten your awareness and presence of being in the NOW moment of time. This helps you ground into the present moment and make sense of what is occurring for you in your life. It’s like an immediate map that shows you where you have been and where you currently are…so you can determine what path you want to pursue right now for your future.

We can only recognize and fully make sense of something after it has occurred in our lives. Then we give it meaning. It is all relative to the time, place, person. Begin to master the Art of Creation and Manifestation…awaken to the possibility that there are no coincidences in life, and what we consider synchronous events are that moment when we are fully aligned with the energies of the universe.

Utilize these 555 time codes to become more in tune with Messages from the universe, your Higher Self, your Guides, and others. Then you will know how to interpret them and what to do with the Messages you receive. Everything is a teacher and a Guide to us when we tune in with that frequency and consciously, actively “partner” with those energies that are appearing to us, to manifest anything we wish.

555 Crystal Consciousness Awakening
The 555 Master code represents divine “chryst/crystal/christos” consciousness–the christ energies of healing, love and possibility that are directly connected to your divine etheric blueprint of strength, innocence and  purity, which you have direct connection to at all moments. 555 activation codes assist in your awakening to your true life & spirit mission, fully activating the divine feminine & masculine balance within yourself and within everything.  555 is directly related to the crystals of water and crystalline structures within our body, and acts as a transmitter to increase their spin into higher vibrational frequencies.

555 are activation numbers that help bring into form the absolute clarity of the high-vibrational body blueprint of the Adamic (Adam=atom) structure of the human body. This is the clarified and pure original master blueprint of our inherent light body structure when it was first created for us, free of any impurities. 

We are already tuned in via Our Body Crystalline structure
Anything and everything is possible. All possibilities exists right NOW.
The 555 codes remind us that crystalline consciousness is alive in everything, including each of us. Each of our organs has a crystal that talks to the other, each of our cells have a crystalline structure that is connecting to all others… we are connected through these physical, energetic and etheric crystalline vibrations to each other, the world, and the energies of Creation itself.

When we deeply understand this we experience a kind of energetic validation — when we get “body chills” that is the experience of the waters of our bodies actually crystalizing… raising of a vibration. This is how we can intuit, sense and “Know” internally that we are on the right path in our lives, following our right path that is in alignment with each of us individually. Crystals are our receptors and antennas to “pick up” frequencies and integrate them in any way we chose. 

You are the Conscious Creator of your Reality at Every Moment
This 555 timecode will help you Remember this notion and put it into action. All fields are tied together by the Unified Field of Everything…everything is connection, everything is quantum energy, and you are related to it all.

We create our reality all the time, at every moment. The 555 codes will help you awaken to this understanding, from within the moment occurrence… when you see 55 or 555 numbers tell yourself to become hyper aware of what is happening to you at that moment, and awaken sleeping information and energy from within you… in that moment.

New Experiences of Higher Dimensions Are Coming Online
Now that we have arrived at the 555 energetic portal gate, we can begin to experience 5th dimensional reality in real-time in our awareness. I have been shown that we have already been experiencing 5D on a physical level within our environment and bodies, but up until now not in full consciousness.

I’m also shown that humans on earth now are currently capable of experiencing up to 13 conscious dimensions (while in the physical body) and the senses related to those dimensions when in our awakened state of consciousness. As the energies in our world continue to expand, we will become more aware of this and have greater access to this individually and collectively—the veils of unawareness are being opened to “see” think and feel more abundantly into expanded realms of consciousness in our daily life. This is a continual part of the shifting of energies in these times.

We will only begin to understand and experience this heightened multidimensional reality as we continue to walk forward into a higher vibrational consciousness as a collective of humanity. It is occurring for us all. Those of us who “feel” it are beginning to “Know” it and integrate it into our Being. Everyone is capable of tuning into this when they are ready, of their own choosing. It’s an active process of awakening and becoming more aware of what, who and how we already are, dormant in our inner codes that are now awakening for everyone.

This 555 is a Portal Gateway into a New Higher Dimensional Reality
These are the codes of emerging, unveiling, revealing, self-initiation to higher realms and bridging the upper and lower worlds within us. These times call for a reweaving and restringing of the cosmic and earth realms, reconnecting the points of light within everything. This is happening in many levels simultaneously–at microcosmic cellular level as well as a macrocosmic level in the universe. It is a huge shift of energy that is evolving on its own, which is the consciousness of the energy of Creation itself pulsing through everything. 

The 5th Dimension is Related to Ether & Etheric Energy
The 5th dimension, the element of ether, has to do with one’s ability to express… so we are all being called to reveal our true selves to the world–through our actions, voice, and creative expressions.

These energy shifts are activating various stages of integration, out breath, gathering, circling, rejuvenation, reflection, resolution, recalibration and integration–of energy, thoughts, emotions, values, vibrations and frequencies in our body, mind, soul, spirit and etheric energy.

Etheric energy is the connector between everything…including the shift of formlessness into form, and spirit into matter. In the near future you will begin actively creating with etheric energy. 

Remembering the “5th Season” of Integration
There is an often unacknowledged “5th Season”–the season of integration (understood and honored by many conscious cultures and practices). This is the Season of Integration, integrating with the 5th element of ether. There are 5 platonic solids related to these 5 elements. This 5th season of an honored time of reflection, clearing and integration, including the revealing and unfolding of our Gifts and manifesting them into the world.

Utilize the Gifts and tools of the 5th element of Etheric energy–to get fully reconnected to the vital life force of creative energy running through everything. It will invigorate you and inspire you to continue expanding your life.

Tune into the Cosmos–become fully present and aware…and listen for Messages coming to you to help guide you on your continued life journey. Tune into Mother Earth–walk barefoot on the ground, replenish yourself with the sacred waters of life, get outside and soak up the healing rays of the sun which carry information and activations…mother Earth will help ground you and integrate all these pulses moving through you, to find balance again during these shifting times. 

Enjoy the 555 Portal
May the doors of your heart be open, may you open the windows of your consciousness to awareness, may you cherish the love that exists in everything, and may you reach out to others and share your love, actions, support and wisdom to further encourage their life in any way.

Give what you have been given, share what you have seen and experienced, and assist others whenever you can.

The Life Force rejuvenates itself easily through everything with forward movement and LOVE.


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8/8 Lion’s Gate Vibrations

8/8 Lion’s Gate Vibrations

8/8 Lion’s Gate Energies:
Intense Transformation Occurring with Powerful Portal Openings & Transitions
– by Shakara Tosha (Channeled message from my higher self on the 8-8)

These days we are collectively moving through very strong and significant energies in the world and upgrading of our body systemsand collective consciousness. It is all unfolding beautifully, it has purpose and a positive long-term outcome that is revealing itself in our creative evolutional consciousness.

The Passage of Vibrations Between Energetic Doorways
We are all now currently experiencing the passage of vibrations between energetic doorways — releasing the past and creating the new. Feel the strength and wisdom that is occurring on all levels and frequencies — these incredible energies are a gift to us all to help transcend each of our lives now as we choose. Regardless of what time/day moment you experience these key code dates, know that you can tap into their energies at any time to relax, revitalize and rekindle yourself at any moment.

The Feminine & Masculine Energies Rebalance Now
The divine feminine and masculine energies in our world are rebalancing and finding new purpose on all levels — deep within mother Gaia, in our physical and spiritual body systems, in the electromagnetic fields around us, via the lunar light waves and the solar photonic frequencies — as above so below — there are similar energy patterns falling away, moving, growing, recalibrating, birthing anew. This moment in (and out of) time in this NOW that we are collectively experiencing is radiant and vital to our life force and prosperous futures. This is a magical dance of creative movement between the sun, moon, earth, nature, cosmos,  star nations, human beings and an energetic evolution — within and between all these systems.

We Are Called Now to Complete Old Outdated Cycles To Dream Anew
We, individually and collectively, are completing old cycles of behavior, timelines, worldly manifestations, moving into a new way of being and living that is weaving within each of us and simultaneously throughout the world and cosmos. We are the dreamer and the dream, the artist and the work, the weaver and the tapestry. Your soul is calling to you — listen to it’s song…it is alive and passionate and longs to be fully expressed.

Make it. Do it. Be it. Light it up. Blaze your new trail. Become solid and centered in your heart, mind and body, manage your emotions, awaken your dormant higher perception abilities, become fully in tune with life and the living world, become a true creative force of nature — be more of you, manifest your you-ness — in your dreamtime and inner knowing, through exchanges with others, via your connection to the world and nature around you…in the way you manifest self in the world, in your work, play, sleep, peace, passion, action, resolve, determination, self-expression, and joy of living We are between energies, between experiences, between worlds and at the same time we are right in the heart center of it all.

8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal Opening Event
Leo is the sign of the ‘heart center’ and signifies the personal individuation of your Divinity, as the dormant Soul DNA awakens and activates in your human energy field.  During this 8-8 gate activation (visualize a symbol of 2 infinity signs in a cross overlapping each other), this energetic shift contains new light codes of our cosmic ascension for the next year/cycle. It’s important that you understand and fully receive these energetic codes to awaken your creative and soul DNA light photons — to support your quantum shift into unity consciousness during the time.

A solar/“soul-ar” Stargate of energy is being fully opened…by and from the sun, deep within our inner being — streaming intense Light waves from the Great Central Sun, through our Sun, The Star Sirius, the Earth Grid and key centers of power that reside on and within the nodes of these grids (on the earth, within ancient temples and earthworks, in our body systems, and in the cosmos).

Every one of these entities and modalities are being in-lightened, re-blueprinted, upgraded energetically, ethnically evolving, and awakening to it’s own individual consciousness and abilities for mastery during these ascension of energies we are all participating in. No longer watching from the sidelines, all sentient beings are asked to awaken now to their wisdom and knowing they possess within themselves — about self, others and the world…awaken to how light and love function, then how to work with those energies.

This moment is the opening of the now and future gates of being-ness and wholeness. Now we have activated the energies of creation and creativity…Lion’s  gate is really activating the three key relationships that we all encounter — relationship with the self, relationship with the other, relationship with the Universe.

Purpose & Hope in The Higher Realms Of Existence
The world is remodeling itself from the inside out — there is a purpose and hope in the world we are moving into, our world can and will become a glowing garden of abundance. If, when, because we say so, we can and must believe it’s possible then just “be” it — imagine the highest vibration that you can vision and the world can be, then start to physically and spiritually move into that new existence and timeline.

Re-jig yourself, re-energize yourself, re-new your abilities, gift the world and others with your presence, your happy state of mind and heart, your joy of being alive. Radiate that high state of being, keep your thoughts and words clear and high vibrational …thereby you will attract abundance and happiness continually into your life. The world sees that is how you consciously and actively choose at each moment to be present in the world, then continues to give you more of it. All other negative energies will just go away from you because you no longer vibrate on that frequency…you have the creative ability to attract all that you need, wish, desire in this world by how you are being in the world.

Each of us carries the seed of creation within us. It is your birthright. Find it, work with it, understand it, master it, use it…give of your gifts to the world. Trust your instincts, they will guide you on your new journeys. Take the leap of faith, be in action as if what you desire is already happening and the world will make it so.

Each individual in the world, YOU, are part of this process, affected by this shifting of energies; you are helping move this change forward just be your very presence on earth now — become more aware of your purpose, life mission and creative abilities, then work with them actively. Manifest something into the world, find some way of doing anew, be a fully actualized someone.

Awaken These Codes Within You By Choice
Feel these energies awakening in your inner body cells, spinning throughout each of your chakra systems, radiating out into your aura’s light body fields…consciously connect to the wisdom and power of these vibration’s glowing light radiating down from the crystalline moon’s glow and the sun’s radiant diamond light photonics…choose to welcome them into your energy field, run them through your etheric mind/spirit/soul/heart/body systems and deep into the crystal core of Mother Earth.

Simultaneously, perceive the incredible love and expansion that Gaia is birthing from within her center — the liquid blue etheric light energies coupled with red plasmic matter is rising from her core up into our body vessels, as the Being of Gaia herself is stretching and venturing into higher dimensions and timelines. Our bodies and etheric fields themselves are a conduit for the energies from above and below, a bridge between past and future timelines, a gateway between old and new, a channel between various dimensional experiences.

Big shifts of energies and timelines and possibilities are mirrored at all levels — the dance of love and light is occurring between our very cells and DNA, deep within the earth’s crystals, within all matter we encounter, in the electro-magnetic pulses all around and within us, in the vast cosmic sea…like a cocooned butterfly right at the moment of stretching it’s wings to break out into the world to fly free, like chick cracking it’s shell to emerge into the light of day, we are all expanding into our larger consciousness and higher etheric physical bodies together to birth newness.

Become conscious that this is truly occurring right now, awaken to the understanding that you can work with these energies in any way you like to play with them, re-member who you truly are: we are each glowing spiritual light bodies having an experience in the physical world to become more aware of abilities and choose to manifest a new way of being — a new way of connecting with each other, a new way of living our lives with joy and abundance, a new purpose to identify what makes our hearts sing with joy and doing those things that make us feel happy.

Utilize the energy tools of this time, this portal, this gateway, to manifest your heart’s truth and your destiny as a radiant being. Love each other, respect one another, work together. Oneness.

Be. Who. You. Are. The Time is NOW
The is THE TIME to transcend all past fears, judgements, worries and doubts of self and others into actions from the heart to create more love, inner tranquility, passion, peace, balance, possibility, fun, joy, unlimited abundance for all in our world moving forward.

Look inside and bring that dormant spark you find out into the world. No more gurus and teachers, recognize and take to heart the understanding that each of us is a Master (of our destiny, of knowing how to engage in the world, of understanding how to move forward).

andIt is time now to awaken to the memories of our abilities and skill sets and begin playing with them, again. It is a free-will choice that we all now have access to, as each energetic timeline (within our unique personal lives, between worlds and people in our collective conscious experience, and within in each dimension and nature of galactic existence) is shifting, merging, blending, separating and dissolving.

These energies are very real, they are part of our existence, they ARE us.

Dream, Imagine then create what you see in your heart and mind’s eye of the lifestyle and the way you wish to show up in the world — you are the driver of your vessel, your boat upon the journey of life. Get centered, stay your course, ride the strong shifting waves of these changes, get grounded in your hight heart center, be completely present in the NOW moment each moment. You will feel and see the world glittering like the magic it truly is.

Choose to Remove Your Own Limited Veil of Consciousness
You can now choose to remove the limited veil from your own consciousness, one that you put upon yourself precisely to learn how to remove actively by choice. We came here to experience the journey of emotion, physicality and life experiences so that we could feel deeply how to be human.

Then, through our life experiences, we are learning that we have the choice and ability to work with light, sound and vibration to create a new way as we see fit. We are truly the creators of our destinies, we have the ability to tap into any energy in the world we choose to work with, like an artist choosing his palette and tools to express in physical form what they see in their heart and their mind’s eye.

Make your dreams real while actively removing any restrictions placed upon you. This is your free will choice to manifest what you wish into being. Our world is magic, believe it and you will see it. Give love to others and self without any conditions or attachments, respect how we each choose to show up in the world, know that life is infinitely abundant in all ways and full of endless possibilities at each moment.

Choose wisely, be in service, create as you wish. We have moved from the self-centered focus on the One into the heart of collective co-creating collaborations together with others — into the awareness of Oneness. Each of us is a unique and beautiful expression of creation; each of our actions is fueling the collective consciousness of ALL.

Now in this timeline of timelines we are bridging into the new ways — old, outdated systems in every aspect of our lives (i.e. our bodies, relationships, society, beliefs, earth, world, galaxy) that no longer serve us are falling to the wayside…as new methodologies and ways of living are coming online.

Remember You Are Your Own Master
Become aware of the artist of light and love that you truly are — begin to play with it. Your life is a work of art where you are the creative Master. Trust yourself, you know what to do. We are all part of creation because we carry the soul seed of creation itself within our high heart…re-member-who-you-are and be that Being in the world.

Consciously tap into abundance at all levels. One understanding of true life success is: having access to and manifesting the ability to get done what we need and choose to get done at the time and place we need and choose, to manifest what we wish, for ourselves, our families, our community, our society and the world at all levels.

Remember not to take things too seriously, keep your heart light, do fun things you enjoy, make a difference in your world and the lives of another. Today. Now. Always.

Know You Are Important In The World’s Evolution
Keep expanding, keep centering, keep mastering your human-ness. You are special, unique and important. Be more of you, bring that child out to play, dance a new dance. If you don’t like what’s happening in your life, realize you created that experience by the laws of attraction and manifestation…let all judgement go, give self and others instant forgiveness, then actively choose to create something different.

You hold the answersto your happiness inside…you are key, the lock plus the door simultaneously. It is safe now to come out of your shell and let the world see your true vibration. Start a new path, move into a new journey, dance a new dance. You are needed, wanted, loved. Know that you are never alone, You will be recognized and understood when you recognize and understand yourself.  You know who you are. Listen to your inner heart song and BE that.

This is a powerful time of existence during our planetary ascension — be an conscious  participant in this transition. Work actively with these energies, building up to the energetic reset point date of the Aug 21st Solar Eclipse, where new energies further manifest into fruition.

Stay grounded during these vibrational waves, ride on this shift of consciousness. Go barefoot in nature as much as possible, drink lots of water, get lots of downtime and rest, know that you are exactly in the right place you need to be. Have fun with these times. Be in-joy and maintain as high a personal vibration as possible at each moment.

I love you all, I believe in you, I wish to see you flourish. You got this.

You are radiant and amazing.

Love, Shakara Tosha